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Why you should consider private yoga instruction 

Private lessons put you one-on-one with an instructor who can address your individual needs and goals. Private instruction is an excellent way to develop and sustain a personal, home-based yoga practice, something many students who only attend classes often find challenging. 

In a one-on-one session with your instructor, your unique abilities and limitations are the sole focus. In an environment without the distractions of a studio or class you can better focus your attention, more deeply engage the breath and body-mind, and directly address any and all specific questions about any issues with your practice that will arise. 

Private Instruction Information 

Private lessons can take place in your home, or at my home studio located near downtown Philadelphia. 

If we decide to conduct private lessons in your home, you should clear a comfortable, clean, airy, uncluttered space that will accommodate two yoga mats. Space should be free of distractions such as pets, people traffic, and telephones for the duration of our lesson. 


You should wear something loose-fitting that will allow you to move your arms and legs freely. 


Let's discuss what you may have already in your home for your practice. You could purchase a good-quality yoga mat for your personal practice. They are widely available online and at sporting goods and big-box retailers such as Target.



We will discuss any recent or past injuries that may prevent you from doing certain poses or that may require pose modifications. 


A standard release of liability waiver is required before instruction begins. 

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